Our beef and sheep clients benefit from the improved productivity which arises from a professional approach to herd and flock health management.
This includes bull and ram fertility testing, pregnancy scanning, young-stock health planning and pro-active parasite control.
Our newly launched beef and sheep clubs offer additional discounts on routine medications utilised as part of your bespoke health planning, backed up by health priority planning through My Healthy Herd and carefully selecting laboratories to ensure best value for money on any sampling performed.
You can be confident in our approach to any clinical problem, in the individual or the herd or flock as our stable and experienced team of vets will work with you and share best clinical practice ourselves to deliver the best possible outcomes on your farm.

- Provide a cost effective, proactive health care service to our beef and sheep clients.
- Increase the productivity and profitability of our beef and sheep enterprises.
- Increase the quantity and /or quality of end product.

Membership Includes
Free routine visits – for regular, planned work you only pay for the time on farm, plus a named vet to be your first point of contact for all ‘in hours’ queries and visits.
An additional 10% saving on all drugs we use on farm at these visits.
Free membership and maintenance of My Healthy Herd or SAC flock health planning modules to include disease risk assessments and plans- saving £10 + VAT per month. To produce an up to date and dynamic health plan which will comply with farm assurance.
Quarterly meetings with at least 2 outside speakers per year. The club will guide the topics of these meetings to ensure they are beneficial to your enterprise.
Additional offers that arise will be offered first to our club members.
Cost: £15 a month.
My Healthy Herd – ‘Making Herds Healthier’
Allows you to evaluate health and disease in your herd – measuring costs and recoverable losses due to health and disease problems that may be causing inefficient production in your herd.
Create your own herd health plans that will enable you to effectively measure, manage and monitor health and disease in your herd, as well as comply with farm assurance standards.
Manage infectious disease that may threaten the health of your herd – protecting your herd from common diseases and creating controls where disease already exists: IBR, BVD, Leptospirosis, Johne’s, Neospora and TB.
Sheep – SAC Health Planning System – ‘Plan, prevent, prosper’
Allows you to create a tailored and concise, yet comprehensive health plan, which complys with farm assurance standards.
View and compare production and disease data year on year.
Compare performance with similar enterprises locally and nationally.
View a farm calendar of forthcoming events for your enterprise(s) SAHPS is a user friendly, web based, health planning system which allows farmers and their veterinary surgeons to manage flock/herd health and production in real time.
We can analyse your production data, draw up a health plan and implement best practice in sheep health and husbandry. Setting annual targets relating to production and health on each farm eg:
- Lameness
- Lamb losses
- Parasite control
- Lamb growth/carcase weights